FREE First-Friday Large Screen Film Series at Peace Center of Delaware County, located at the Springfield Friends Meetinghouse, 1001 Old Sproul Rd., Springfield, PA (Behind Mr. Car Wash, at the corner of Old Marple Road and Rt. 320/W Sproul Road) NEW YEAR’S DAY! Friday, January 1, 2016, at 7 p.m. Arthur Miller’s timeless tale of [&hellip...
Holiday Musical Celebration of Peace Sunday, December 27, 3 p.m. at Peace Center of Delaware County 1001 Old Sproul Road, Springfield, PA ‘May Peace Be On Your Way’ to a New Day… Performers Tom Mullian (Six Strings Against the War, and the forthcoming Six Strings Against the War II), Square Wheels Dolores Magro Silver Wind [&hellip...
IGNITE PEACE, CHRISTMAS PEACE…! End Drone War & Terror: Say NO to Drone War Command Center at the Horsham PA Air Guard Station.…End Drone Warfare & Terror. Stop the Drone War Command Center in Horsham, PA. Last Saturday of the month in Horsham, the day after Christmas , what better time to stand for peace. [&hellip...
Sat., December 19, Noon, Join a Christmas Peace “village” at Lockheed Martin in King of Prussia! Lockheed Martin is the world’s largest war profiteer (nuclear weapons and “Star Wars” contracting, F-35 Joint Strike Stealth jet fighters, Aegis warships and missile, drone warfare technology, from the unmanned planes to satellites and hellfire missiles, and that’s not [&hellip...
FRIDAY BEFORE CHISTMAS, Fri., Dec. 18, 4p.m. 30th Street Train Station, 30th & Market Sts., Phila., Send forth a Rush-hour Message of Christmas Peace… Cool the Fear, No Hate, No War – IGNITE PEACE Stop U.S. Drone Terror; Stop Drone War Command Center...
Brandywine Peace Community Monthly Potluck Supper & Program, 2nd Sunday of the month, at University Lutheran Church, 3637 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (corner of 37th & Chestnut St, in the University City section of the city; due to construction, enter from church parking lot at rear of the church) 4:30p.m. Potluck Supper (bring main [&hellip...
Fri., December 11, 4p.m. Rush-Hour Phila. Demonstration to Stop Drone War Command Center in Horsham, PA. SEPTA entrance/west side of Phila. City Hall, NW corner, 15th & Market Street, Streets, Phila., PA. 19102. Hold a banner or sign, distribute flyers. Spread the word about the reality of drone warfare and the drone war command center [&hellip...
Global Refugee Crisis, Phila. Response Thursday, December 10, 2015 6-8:30PM Ethical Society of Philadelphia 1906 Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia, PA 19103 Panel of expert speak on the global migrant crisis and emerging refugee challenges. Jana Mason, Senior Advisor for Government Relations and External Affairs at the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Juliane Ramic, [&hellip...
Center City Anti-War/Anti-Drone Silent Death Walk/Vigil PHILA.: Gather at 12th & Arch Sts. Wear back. Signs and white masks provided Please RSVP Marge Van Cleef at 267-763-1644 While walking or vigiling in the manner of a SILENT DEATH WALK we bring attention to the wars and the victims in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Gaza, Iraq, Syria [&hellip...
Can we liberate Christmas from its cultural captivity and rediscover the truly prophetic story that speaks to the crises of our world today? Peace On Earth and the Politics of Christmas Saturday morning, December 5 9:30a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Project HOME, 1515 Fairmount Avenue The celebration of Christmas is often wrapped in innocent Hallmark-card [&hellip...