Fri., June 1, at 7p.m. IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER 1993. 133 minutes. Historical drama. Rated R for language and politically generated violence. Director: Jim Sheridan. Screenplay: Terry George and Jim Sheridan. Film trailer: In the Name of the Father is the searing true story of the Guildford Four, each of whom were [&hellip...
Protest the drone war command center at Horsham Air Guard Station, Route 611/Easton Road & County Line Road. STAND UP. BE THERE. IGNITE PEACE! Memorial Day observance, remember all the war dead Recurring demonstration against the drone war command center at the Horsham Air Guard Station: Last Saturday of the month, Noon. Recommended parking in [&hellip...
Philly Anti-War Reach-Out…at 30th St. Train Station Only we can stop endless war and drone war command center in Horsham, nuclear weapons build-up, and Trump. Fri., March 9 , 4p.m., at the 30th Street Train Station, the corner of 3oth & Market Streets. Banners, signs, leaflets, and literature/goodies table. Reach-out to people, our neighbors, as [&hellip...
Eye in the Sky 2016, Drama, 103 minutes. Directed by Gavin Hood. Written by Guy Hibbert. Rated R for violence, language, and emotional intensity. Eye in the Sky is a smart politically-charged dramatic/thriller that captures the ethical dilemma at the heart of drone warfare. The ensemble scene is set in two command centers, one in [&hellip...
Protest the drone war command center at Horsham Air Guard Station, Route 611/Easton Road & County Line Road. STAND UP. BE THERE. IGNITE PEACE! Recurring demonstration against the drone war command center at the Horsham Air Guard Station: Last Saturday of the month, except for the winter pause months of January and February. Recommended [&hellip...
CUT PENN’S TIES TO ENDLESS WAR (& Penn alumni, Trump) during Penn Relays. Friday, April 27, Noon – 2p.m., 34th & Walnut, Phila., PA Thousands from around the world will be at UPenn for these historic games and UPenn’s flagship. If past years are any indication, thousands will hear our message. The day’s protest during [&hellip...
“Raising the Risk of Nuclear War: the US, Russia, North Korea & Iran”, Zia Mian Zia Mian is a physicist and co-director of Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security. He received the 2014 Linus Pauling Legacy Award for his accomplishments as a scientist and as a peace activist in contributing to the global [&hellip...
End Drone Terror & Endless War Stop the Drone War Command Center in Horsham, PA. Friday, April 13, 4p.m. – 5p.m. – Philly Anti-War ‘Reach Out’ at SEPTA subway/train entrance, 15th & Market Sts., across from Phila. City Hall west side. Philly Anti-War Reach-Outs, 2nd Friday of the month, with mass leafleting, banners, signs. The [&hellip...
Speakers: Ann Wright: Retired U.S. Army Colonel, who resigned in protest of the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. International leader in the antiwar movement, Veterans for Peace and CODEPINK Women for Peace. Part of 2015 Women Cross the DMZ Hyun Lee: managing editor of ZoominKorea, an online resource that provides news and critical analysis on [&hellip...
PHILA. CENTER CITY DEATH WALK, Saturday, April 7, 12th and Arch St. to greet opening day visitors for the Phila. The wars continue, in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen…..and DRONES are being used for attacks you DON’T even hear about. Please join us for the DEATH WALK on SATURDAY, April 7, 2018, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45, [&hellip...