A Pressing Warning and Unremitting Hope for Humanity and our Planet! Viewing of the Documentary “The Nuns, the Priests and the Bombs” and Panel Discussion Saturday, January 28, 2023, beginning at 1:30 pm in the East Parlor of St. Joseph Hall, Chestnut Hill College 9601 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19118 The Institute for Forgiveness [&hellip...
Jan. 22, 2021, the United Nations Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons [UN Nuclear Ban Treaty] Enters Into Force and the UN declares “NUCLEAR WEAPONS ILLEGAL” Uplift of the Anniversary of U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Entry Into Force ‘BAN-UARY’ 22, 2023 PHILA. Area Uplift of the 2nd Anniversary of U.N. [&hellip...
In 1977, The Brandywine Peace Community was born in the tradition of radical peacemaking practice and nonviolent resistance by a group of Vietnam war resisters in the wake of the U.S.’s imperial carnage in Vietnam. We have sought to honor the [&hellip...
Saturday, December 17 @11:00a.m. – 12:30p.m. Season of Peace Neighborhood “Reach-Out”, Germantown Ave. & Mermaid Lane, Chestnut Hill/Philadelphia. Says: DEFUSE NUCLEAR WAR; NO to NUKES In a time of war, as the threat of nuclear war looms daily like no other time in decades... We say: Diplomacy is [&hellip...
DEFUSE NUCLEAR WAR Neighborhood “Reach-Out” – Say NO to NUKES on Germantown Ave., Chestnut Hill/Philadelphia. November 26 @ 12:00 pm, Saturday after Thanksgiving. WE MUST STOP THE ULTIMATE THREAT TO LIFE & PLANET In a time of war, as the threat of nuclear war looms daily like [&hellip...
Coalition for Peace Action Event 42nd Annual Peace Conference 11/13/2022 Brandywine Peace Community pleased to Co-Sponsor Click here for a PDF copy of the event press release. Coalition for Peace Action Annual Conference for Peace 2:00-4:00 PM on Sunday, November 13 on Zoom Pre-register for the Annual Conference for Peace, use the form under the [&hellip...
a note to participants Coming to the RECLAIM ARMISTICE Day Vigil & Bell-Tolling (see below)? You’ve probably heard tomorrow’s weather forecast for Philadelphia. It calls for warm temperatures, some winds, and morning showers while we’re in front of the Federal Building in the morning. There is a slight building overhang that in demonstrations over the [&hellip...
WE MUST STOP THE ULTIMATE THREAT TO LIFE & PLANET Sight & Sound to Continue DEFUSE NUCLEAR WAR campaign, https://defusenuclearwar.org/ Reach-out and Into our communities for peace. DEFUSE NUCLEAR WAR Bannering – Say NO to NUKES Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA, Germantown Ave. & Mermaid Lane Saturday, November 5, [&hellip...
Protest Remote Killer Drone Command at the Horsham PA Air Guard Station NO-WAR…CHOOSE PEACE Saturday, October 22, 1 p.m., Route 611/Easton & County Line Roads, Horsham, PA. Brandywine Peace Community ____________________________________________ Remote Killer Drone Command Still Operating in Horsham from PA Air Guard Station. That Means U.S. Killer Drones are doing still doing what [&hellip...
October Month Of Action – DEFUSE NUCLEAR WAR October 2022 marks the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the closest the two nuclear superpowers ever came to nuclear war… until now. https://defusenuclearwar.org/month-of-action Say NO to NUKES. Demand that attention be paid to the very real threat posed by nuclear weapons. Sunday, October 16, 3p.m. [&hellip...