In Greek Mythology, Aegis was the thunderbolt and breastplate that serves as the shield for Zeus, the king of gods. Today=s Aegis is about the empire of U.S. militarism, the international arms trade, the projection of U.S. power on and over the seas and increasingly missile defense (sometimes referred to as AStar Wars@) and the militarization of space. Aegis is also about the power of the world=s largest weapons corporation, Lockheed Martin.



Aegis is the battle tracking and naval combat engagement equipment around which the Navy has built what it calls Athe most powerful war-fighting system the Navy has today.@


Developed in the 1970's, in the wake of the Vietnam War, Aegis is the Navy=s most expensive surface warship ever - $1.2 billion per cruiser, $1 billion per destroyer -  and is also the most used weapons system over the past three decades . Aegis warships contain a complex mix of radar (the AN-SPY-1A), computerized fire control and launch systems, all integrated in and through a CIC, Combat Information Center, which controls an on-board arsenal of SM-2 missiles, 5 in. rapid fire guns, Phalanx close-in weapons system, and Tomahawk cruise missiles (nuclear-capable) with vertical launch system (VLS) holding as many as 122 cruise missiles. Aegis is designed to track and destroy - with automatic capability Afrom detection to kill@ - as many as 100 moving stationary targets simultaneously within a radius of 300 miles. Providing Athe capability for overall force coordination@ [Navy Fact File], the Aegis combat system is also the command center-point for the coordinated Naval Surface Battle Group in which a battleship or aircraft carrier operates along with an Aegis cruiser and other surface ships, support and assault aircraft, and fast-attack submarines.


One Aegis cruiser or destroyer is a lethal weapons system and a launch pad for Tomahawk cruise missiles. The same ship operating with surface battle group is a command post for the even greater lethality of an entire battle arsenal operation on, below, and above the sea. It was an Aegis cruiser, the USS Bunker Hill (CG-52), that fired the first cruise missile into Iraq at the start of AOperation: Desert Storm@ in 1991. Aegis warships fired the first cruise missiles, and many of the subsequent cruise missiles attacks, in AOperation: Iraqi Freedom@ in March 2003.



Crews aboard the Aegis cruiser, USS Vincennes, had dubbed their ship ARobo-cruiser@ because of its extensive automated detection and launch systems and an ominous slogan AIf it flies, it dies!@. On July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes, while patrolling the Persian Gulf during the Iran-Iraq (and while within Iranian territorial waters), slammed two SM-2 missiles into an Iranian civilian airline, killing all 290 people on-board.



The first Aegis cruiser, the USS Ticonderoga (CG-47), was commissioned in 1983. A fleet of 66 U.S. Navy Aegis-equipped cruisers and destroyers (the Ardleigh Burke, DDG, class) have been built and 23 more are planned. Half of the production costs for the fleet of Aegis cruisers and destroyers goes for the Aegis radar and battle command equipment, produced by the world=s largest weapons corporation, Lockheed Martin, primarily at its AMaritime Systems and Sensors@ Division complex in Moorestown, NJ. The Moorestown complex includes a joint U.S. Navy - Lockheed Martin Combat Engineering facility for the testing of Aegis  equipment and the training of Aegis crews. Located in the middle of a South Jersey cornfield, the testing and training facility  resembles the top half of a Navy cruiser, the AUSS Rancocas@, and is often referred to as the Acornfield cruiser@.


Other Aegis contractors include the Applied Physics Lab at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. The Aegis shipbuilder is Bath Iron Works in Maine.

Globalizing Aegis


Lockheed Martin, the world=s largest international arms dealer, also produces Aegis equipment for foreign military sales and the company has raked in some of its largest weapons sales with the delivery of Aegis warships. Aegis is part of two European ship construction programs - the Spanish F-100 and the Norwegian New Frigate. With four Aegis destroyers, Aegis has become Japan=s primary naval weapons system. South Korea has announced that it will purchase a class of Aegis destroyers and just recently the Pentagon announced it would sell $1.78 billion worth of Aegis equipment to Taiwan.


From Aegis Warships to Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense:

the Next Step is AStar Wars@ Theater Missile Defense

A...The Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense [BMD] element of the nation's BMD System will provide the capability for Aegis-equipped cruisers to use hit-to-kill technology to intercept and destroy short- and medium-range ballistic missiles. Additionally, designated Aegis-equipped destroyers will be modified to expand the ability of Aegis BMD to provide surveillance and tracking of intercontinental ballistic missiles, and work with other BMD System elements to provide advance warning for the defense of the nation, deployed U.S. forces and allies...@ - from News Release, 10/13/03, Lockheed Martin, Moorestown, NJ


Along with Boeing and TRW, Lockheed Martin is part of the trio of primary AStar Wars@ missile defense contractors. In December >03, Lockheed Martin was awarded a $4.6 billion contract to develop targets and counter-measures for the Pentagon=s missile defense plan. Lockheed Martin is the primary contractor  of the Space-based Laser. Lockheed Martin has been and is a central part of every step in AStar Wars@ missiles defense and the U.S. strategy to  militarize and gain full control of space. The first step though is Theater Missile Defense and that means Aegis, the Star Wars of Sea.


The Navy=s Theater Missile Defense plan is to use Aegis cruisers, like the ones which a year ago were firing cruise missiles into Iraq as part of the Ashock and awe@ terrorizing strategy. With specially designed interceptor missiles (Standard -3 missiles) adapted to shoot down missiles in their boost-phase,  Aegis cruisers, produced by Lockheed Martin in Moorestown, New Jersey and now being sold to Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, would be deployed off the coast of North Korea and China. Japan, which the U.S. has successfully pressured to joining Theater Missile Defense plans, has plans to modify its four Aegis destroyers with the Standard-3 interceptor missiles. Today China has 20 nuclear missiles capable of hitting the continental U.S., while the U.S. has 7,500 nuclear weapons


In October >03, the U.S. Navy awarded an $812.5 million contract to Lockheed Martin for the continued development of the of Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense. Under the contract, Lockheed Martin is responsible for Adeveloping and fielding the sea-based element of Ballistic Missile Defense.@ The contract includes: development and integration of the Aegis Weapon System upgrades, Vertical Launch System [VLS] upgrades, and Command & Control System  upgrades. While the center of Lockheed Martin=s Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense is its sprawling complex  in Moorestown, NJ, work will also be done at its AMaritime System & Sensors@ facility in Baltimore, MD.


The future of Aegis lies with Theater Missile Defense. The first step in AStar Wars@ Theater Missile Defense is the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense program. No Star Wars - No Way No How! Justice and Peace, Not Aegis and the militarization of space.

