Make an appeal to computer drone operators or prospective operators whose hands are on the “killing sticks” at the Horsham command center: Dear Drone Operators, End the Violence, Just Walk Away…Love, Your Neighbors
Trump is ordering airstrikes at 5 times the pace Obama did:
Drone Strikes Up 432 Percent Under Donald Trump
Nonviolence Discipline for Demonstration Participants
To assist in the unity of demonstration participants, and to project justice, our humanity, and moral message:
1. We will not carry weapons.
2. We will not vandalize or destroy property.
3. We will not use or carry alcohol or illegal drugs.
4. We will not run or make threatening motions.
5. We will not insult, swear at, or attack anyone, refraining, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., from “the violence of fist, tongue, or heart.”
6. We will not assault, verbally or physically, those who oppose or disagree with us.
7. Our attitude, conveyed through our words, symbols and actions, will be one of peace, openness, and respect toward everyone.
8. We will remain focused on the message of the demonstration, cooperate with the planning of the demonstration, and help maintain its nonviolent discipline.
9. If an individual has a serious disagreement with the organizers of the action that cannot be resolved, the individual will withdraw from the action.
10. We will maintain — in word and deed — our nonviolent resolve for peace and justice.
Initiated by the Brandywine Peace Community and the American Friends Service Committee, the nonviolent campaign to stop the drone war command center has the endorsement of a growing list of groups and activists: Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition; BuxMont Coalition for Peace Action; Catholic Peace Fellowship; Coalition for Peace Action (Princeton, NJ); Death Walk Against Drones; LEPOCO (Lehigh-Pocono Committee of Concern); Germantown Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers); Global Women’s Strike/Phila.; Granny Peace Brigade—Philadelphia; Green Party of Philadelphia; Greens of Montgomery and Bucks County; Main Line Peace Action; Pacem in Terris (Wilmington, DE); Payday men’s network/Phila.; Peace & Justice Ministry of St. Vincent’s Roman Catholic Church in Germantown; Philly Against War; Peace Center of Delaware County; Philadelphia Catholic Worker; Shalom House/Circle of Hope; Veterans for Peace; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF), Phila-Delco.