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Sacred Heart Gathering for Peace and Justice: “The Three Great Evils: Racism, Militarism and Poverty”
February 9, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
FreeSacred Heart Gathering for Peace and Justice
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Broadway & Ferry, Camden, New Jersey
Co-Sponsor-Coalition for Peace Action
Saturday, February 9, 2019 9:30 am – 3:15 pm
Registration and Welcome 8:45 to 9:15 am
“The Three Great Evils: Racism, Militarism and Poverty”
Reverend Eric Dobson of Fair Share Housing is an ordained minister, a community organizer, outreach specialist and social entrepreneur with extensive experience working with diverse audiences and communities and specializes in interfaith outreach. http://fairsharehousing.org/about/staff/
Patrick Barry-Director of Refuge & Immigration Services Catholic Charities Camden will give us an understanding of the needs and current difficulties of Immigrants. He will likely bring a couple of immigrants to tell their stories. http://catholiccharitiescamden.org/refugee-immigration/contact/
Dr. Mahdi Ziyad will bring Students from Rutgers University Camden. Dr. Mahdi is an Interfaith Chaplain and is part of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
Free admission with free lunch for registrants. Walk-ins should bring own bagged lunch
Afternoon Presentations: (15 minutes each)
1. Better Angels www.better-angels.org
2. Jewish, Christian, Muslim Dialogue of SNJ
3. Vamos
4. Embracing Race-the Conversation
5. P.E.A.C.E. (acronym for Politics, Economics, Academics, Cultural Excellence)
6. Pax Christi NJ
Other Co-sponsors & Supporters: Brandywine Peace Community, Center for Environmental Transformation, Embracing Race: The Conversation, First Baptist Church of Moorestown, Pax Christi NJ, Unitarian Universalist Church, P.E.A.C.E.
Registration: Mail below form to CFPA, 40 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ 08542
Name________________________Email _____________________Phone_______________
Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________
Or you can register online after at www.peacecoalition.org
For this event to be as inclusive as possible, we want it to be a Fragrance Free Event.