AWe can no longer afford to worship the

god of hate or bow before the altar of

retaliation@., Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.




Commemorating the 4th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks

9-11 Memorial for Peace 

Remembrance, Healing, Resistance (in church sanctuary)


Order of Memorial

Welcome, Announcements, Introductions

Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director, Shalom Center (; noted author; teacher; and lecturer

Poetry by Susan Windle, founder of Voices of a Different Dream   (www.voicesofadifferentdream)

Michael Berg, anti-war activist and father of Nicholas Berg who was brutally slain last year in Iraq.

Elizabeth Walz,  Fellowship of Reconciliation; Plowshares activist jailed for act of war resistance


Music by Tom Mullian


Litany of Water & Light, Healing & Peace (see reverse side)

& Candlelight Vigil on Chestnut St in front of church


AWar Is Not The Answer!@



Upon exiting the sanctuary, you are asked to give generously to the on-going work of the Brandywine Peace Community. Containers for your contribution at the sanctuary doorway.

As you exit the church, put your candle through the bottom of a cup and light  it. As the bell tolls, People are then asked to form a side to side vigil line on the sidewalk in front of the church facing Chestnut St. and remain in quiet vigil for about 10 minutes



Litany of Water & Light, Healing & Peace


Amidst the seas of war, violence, disaster, and neglect  that swirl around us; we yearn for the healing waters of peace. That we may see possibilities of justice and peace, we light a candle clinging to the Promise of Peace  [all] we dip our hands into the  healing water and light a candle of peace


For vibrant lives suddenly and shamelessly taken from the community of family and loved ones 

[all] we dip our hands into the  healing water and light a candle of peace


For the lives that continue, haunted forever by the pain of absence, and the nightmare images forever seared into our memories   [all] we dip our hands into the  healing water and light a candle of peace


For empire and all the deaths that have been justified with the arrogance of patriotism,  fanaticism of ideology, and the indifference of the powerful  [all] we dip our hands into the  healing water and light a candle of peace


For the creation of enemies [all] we dip our hands into the  healing water and light a candle of peace


For  failing to love and care for children and the earth  [all] we dip our hands into the  healing water and light a candle of peace


For the violence of poverty and the wounding of body and spirit resulting from racial, religious, and sexual hatred  [all] we dip our hands into the  healing water and light a candle of peace


For our society=s addiction to oil, weapons, and war-making  [all] we dip our hands into the  healing water and light a candle of peace


That we may end war, beat swords into plowshares, care for the victims of violence, disaster, and hatred 

[all] we dip our hands into the  healing water and light a candle of peace



People are now asked to come forward and to dip your hands into the bowl of water, dry them with the towel, and pick up your candle and exit the church for the candlelight vigil



(Make sure that you are on the Brandywine Peace Community mailing and e-mail list)


Brandywine Peace Community 

P.O. Box 81, Swarthmore, PA 19081  610-544-1818